Friday, February 13, 2009

FTC crackdown on prepaid calling cards: $2.25 million fine

According to, several major prepaid calling card companies have agreed to pay $2.25 million as part of a settlement to resolve Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charges. The companies were accused of misleading consumers about the number of minutes they were purchasing with their calling cards. The settlement resolves charges brought by the FTC last May against Alternatel, Inc.; Voice Prepaid, Inc.; G.F.G. Enterprises, LLC, also known as Mystic Prepaid; Voice Distributors, Inc.; Telecom Express, Inc.; and their principals, Nickolas Gulakos, Moses Greenfield, Lucas Friedlander, and Frank Wendorff. According to this article and the news about prepaid calling cards, what are some brands that you use or suggest others use? How can consumers protect themselves from fraud?

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