Saturday, December 10, 2011

Where the Entire Prepaid Industry Will Meet in 2012

Prepaid Expo is the ONE place each year where the entire stored value community meets. 

Take advantage of having your prospects, partners and colleagues all under one roof for three days and experience the many ways Prepaid Expo brings everyone together to get business done

NEW! Power Hour 

Join the leaders of Prepaid all in one place for one event: at the grand opening of the Prepaid Expo 2012 Exhibit Hall! It’s nearly impossible to coordinate schedules with Prepaid’s most senior executives, so we did it for you. Visit them at their company booths during the Exhibit Hall’s opening on March 12th.

Visit to keep you up to date on who will be participating.

See who is Attending and Schedule Meetings

Sign up to use our online networking tool exclusive to Prepaid Expo attendees. Prepaid Marketplace shows you who is coming and allows you to arrange meetings before you land in Las Vegas.

Prepaid Marketplace will launch in late January and is only available to registered attendees. Make sure you book early for the expo so you can take advantage of this great networking tool!

Smart Speed Networking with Prepaid Connect 

Prepaid Connect turns speed networking on its head, collecting your profile information before you even leave for Las Vegas. Based on your profile and preferences for the type of attendee you want to meet, you’ll be matched with a series of brief introductions.

Open to ALL attendees; Preregistration required, space is limited.

NEW! Interactive Sessions 

Prepaid Expo is coming up with new ways to connect attendees and speakers.

Cutting-edge interactive technologies to get your questions sent to speakers in real-time will enhance the conference experience.

One-on-One Strategy Meetings 

Tired of spending days at a conference and coming home with little direction about what to do with your business?

Schedule a meeting at Test Drive an Expert with one of our experts across various Prepaid specialties and you’ll have definitive insight on the next steps you need to take. Visit our website for updates and information about booking an appointment with our experts.

Golf Tournament

Get some fresh air, make some connections and engage in some pre-conference camaraderie at the annual Prepaid Expo Golf Tournament sponsored by AIMIA.

Limited space is available, $155 fee applies, call +1 941-554-3500 to register.


Visa and TX Via roll out the red carpet for Prepaid Expo attendees! Mix, located at the top of THE hotel at Mandalay Bay will be completely taken over by Prepaid Expo. Enjoy a night of food, drinks and to-be-unveiled special entertainment.

Open to ALL attendees. 

And that is really just the beginning of how Prepaid Expo makes it easy for you to connect.

Don’t forget that we include more than TEN hours of non-conflicting meeting time into the conference agenda, so you won’t miss insights from our 100+ thought leaders!

Don’t miss out on the connections that can take your business to the next level of profitability

We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas this March! 

Want to make an Impression at Prepaid Expo?

Position your company as an industry leader today. The Exhibit Hall is nearly SOLD OUT!

For more information contact:
Sponsorship: Terri Sobol, +1-646-895-7473, 
Exhibiting: Dave Borrok, +1-646-895-7485

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