The recent upsurge of disruptive innovations in the payment world
have caused many to predict a fall in the importance and in some cases,
extinction of banks. Clayton Christensen, who came up with the theory of
disruption, predicts that "Banks, many of them, won’t exist ten years
from now. Their functionality will be taken over by IT companies who
don’t have the same assets and income statement challenges". Banking
hasn’t really changed that much over the last 100 years; the only real
disruptive innovation that has come about was probably the introduction
of the credit card. Apart from that banks have gradually changed and
adapted with the times without having to deal with much competition.
the recent rise in mobile payments are causing a real threat to
traditional banking. Smartphones and mobile platforms operate in
real-time, making payments straight away whereas traditionally banks
process payments overnight or a couple of working days. Customers do not
want to see one balance on a statement, another at the ATM and another
online. Mobile payments create an easier and faster way of paying.
Below are three revolutionary payment innovations:
- Card Case app – This app is a payments system that could spell the end of even needing a wallet. It’s not an app where you have to pay with your phone but simply with your name. The app connects with the stores location and so when you go to the cashier, you say your name, your picture and name comes up and the cashier clicks it. A receipt gets sent instantly to your account and the payment is made. Obviously not every shop in the world has the payment system but after one year since its creation in 2010, 800,000 readers were sent out and the number is rising rapidly.
- TransferWise – This peer-to-peer payment system enables international transfers by acting as a middle man between parties for much lower costs than doing the transfer with a bank. Whereas with many big banks the cost for a transfer of around $1000 dollars could cost around $40; TransferWise will do the same from peer-to-peer for around $1. It is no surprise it has had interest from huge names such as Richard Branson and Facebook.
- Uber – Uber, now worth over $18 billion, is a perfect example of frictionless payment as everything is done via mobile. The taxi is booked and paid for using the Uber app and the taxi comes to your exact GPS location. It negates any need for cash or trying to hail a cab in the street.
Banks need to begin to understand the needs of their customers; Cisco carried out a survey that found "43 percent of U.S. customers believe their primary bank does not understand their needs; 31 percent feel their bank is not helping them reach their primary financial goals".
The three payment innovations shown above negate the need for banks and their ATM’s; banks need to start to revolutionize their approaches to payments or customers will simply use them as a place to store money.

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